Cold Dead Fingers //6


You guys. Yesterday I was outside working on The Nugget and my phone beeped (which I normally ignore) but I was seriously looking for an excuse to come inside and die for a minute. It is SO hot right now.

Cold Dead Fingers //5


This is going to be a good week, I can feel it man! I thought it would be fun to kick it off with some amazing furniture scores (since I cant seem to get over the one that got away).

#ColdDeadFingers // 4


I have been fighting a bug,  the Why Can’t I Find What I Need To Finish A FREAKING Room bug. Its a doozie. And one that just seems to be lingering. So of course when I get feeling like this,

#ColdDeadFingers // 3


It’s that time again my friends! Time to be completely awestruck with the amazing furniture finds of our fellow readers! Remember if you have a piece that you love so much it can only be pried from your Cold Dead

Cold Dead Fingers // 2


Its that time again folks. Time for uterus wrenching jealousy to take hold. Time for you to see all of the amazing furniture possibilities that you couldn’t have created in your wildest dreams. Time for you to become insta-BFFs with

Cold Dead Fingers // 1


Before you continue reading this post you need to do 2 things. Grab the nearest towel. Not dish towel, I am talking BATH towel. And for goodness sakes, back away from your keyboard a little. Drool is known to ruin