So…I Skinned A Couch.

By Mandi 07/10/2013

I have been known to do a crazy DIY here and there. Remember when I made an actual rug? Good times. Any who. After I got the green monster painted, and had my curtains up, I temporarily hung my headboard, and threw a few scarves on the bed (to give it a little bit of color in place of the pillows that will one day live there).

Dark Green Wall-2

I sort of have this gut intuition. If I don’t love something along the way, the chance that I am going to get heart palpitations every time I see it,  is slim. And heart palpitation inducing is what I am going for.

So I am sitting on my couch on the other side of the room, and running every option that I can through my mind. It was just feeling way up here (insert me waving my hand around my head) and I needed something to ground it. It was just too painted, and colored. It was like one of the Real Housewives. Too much fake crap.

It needed something natural. In fact I think that I was subconsciously anticipating it because I bought this knitted pillow from Target.

Target Pillow


We are back to sitting and stewing. Then it hits me like a bolt of lightening. Its needs leather. Leather PILLOWS! Angels sing, Mr.. Richard Simmons gets longer shorts, and everything is right with the world.


The research begins. Oh don’t you worry. The  leather pillows that are for sale online are  1. Reminiscent of a Tricia Yearwood belt circa 1992. 2. Roughly  the price of a kidney. 3. Look like something that came off of a sectional at Big Lots.

Ex-nay on that idea.

Next idea, buying fabric. Even FAUX leather that is not lick worthy is going to cost me $80 + Shipping.


So then my heart says “Mandi. Why are you straying so far from what you actually want to do? Get your butt on Craigslist and see what you can wrangle up.”

So that is just what I did.

And guess what?

I found a couch. The ad said that the seat cushions had been redyed but that it looked great.

I was actually feeling a little bad about the possibility of cutting up a nice couch to make pillows. It had to be THIS couch because it had the perfect amount of wear without being janky.

Imagine my surprise when I stopped by to look at it and the dye job was not awesome and all of the hesitation and guilt? Gone. Sold. Getting a Heidi Montag makeover.

Couch Upcycle-2

This was a very nice couch. I am not going to lie. I am sure if someone wanted to they could have had new leather put on the seats or a blanket or something, but this couch’s destiny was for something different.

Couch Upcycle

Repurpose onward and upward friends.

Cant wait to show you how they turn out, after I do them…still working on that.

So what do you think? Is this a brilliant upcycle or a terrible idea because I did in fact, cut a couch apart to make pillows?

Also I have a naked couch sitting in my garage. Anyone want it?

Love Your Guts

47 thoughts on “So…I Skinned A Couch.”

  1. Wow.. you definitely are crazy. This room is having me on tenterhooks. How is it going to turn out? And what are you going to do with the couch? Can it be reupholstered?

  2. That couch may be nice, but it's ugly. Making pillows out of the leather is a brilliant idea, in my humble opinion!

  3. I really think it ingenious to use the leather to make pillows. Awesome idea and one I could see myself doing in a tight budget ( this is why I like to work with restrictions, I think it is good creative exercise).
    I can't believe someone thought that was a good dye job 🙁

  4. Man, I thought I was the only one who did that! I just sit there and run through options in my head and they are either TOTALLY ALL WRONG NO IT WILL NOT WORK or that wonderful moment of CLICK when you know it's perfect!

  5. Years ago I ripped couch cushions apart to make pillows AND a valance. No, it wasn't a leather couch, but rather one I had stored in my basement. That project has since moved onto the vast wasteland of unawesome-ness commonly referred to as the dump, but I loved those re-cycle pillows and curtains for years. Where there's a will, there's a way, right?

  6. love it! the cushions looked so…ehh…so I think you're helping it out ripping that bad boy apart. the frame can still be reupholstered so no real harm done! 😉

  7. I think I knew you in another time….not in a "twilight zone"way. As I was reading your post I it was like I know you from some where. You are a true crazy artist! Love your work! thank you, Sue

  8. I just discovered your blog and I. Love. It.
    Truly, its so much fun! I'm an interior designer and I'm addicted to making things beautiful, which you do so very well. I'll be eagerly anticipating all of the great new projects and ideas you come up with… not to mention everything you've already done!


  9. I love the arms and legs on your now nekked couch, but no, I don't want it. ;o) I have an ugly chaise lounge in my own garage I have to do something with before my husband returns it to where I pulled it from – the curb!

  10. Such a good idea! I've been racking my brain to find an affordable way to get my hands on leather to make baby moccs and while I def don't need a couch the wheels are a turnin now…

  11. Love this idea! Also… what on earth happened to those cushions? Were they painted?

    What's going to happen to your bare-naked couch? Are you going to be Super Woman and reupholster? 😉

  12. Love this loveseat!!!!!

    I'm looking at the frame and it's really nice. I would definitely reupholster it!!!
    Can't wait to see want you're going to do!!!!


  13. lol! with the title of the blog, i knew it would be good! maybe you can reupholster the couch or use parts of it on different projects.

  14. Mandi, I just skinned a couch myself. My niece had an old leather couch with several holes in it. I found her a cheap replacement on craigslist then paid her $5 (the fee that the landfill charges to dispose of said skinned couch carcass). Yikes, that was a lot of work. I wish I would have thought to bring pliers with me, but all I had was a utility knife. Now I have a pile-o-leather that I’m working through and I have plenty to make 3 pillow covers (using your tutorial) and lots leftover for more future projects. I’m thinking leather Christmas stockings…or something. Thank you so much for the inspiration!!

  15. We got inspired by your post, picked up a couch on the side of the road, put it out of its misery and skinned it! Can’t wait to make something awesome with the remains. Thank you for the inspiration and the humorous post!

  16. LOVE it. I mean for reals. What should one expect to pay for a sofa to cut up? Ballpark please!

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